Obsidian Blog

10 Sexual-Dysfunction Myths Demolished

Perhaps predictably, the topic of male sexual dysfunction is a hothouse of misinformation, irredeemably goofy folk wisdom and flat-out falsehoods. What are the 10 most common misconceptions about this enormously important area of health care? Let’s lay them out: 1....

Don’t fall for the “Erection Guarantee”

by Marc Richman, M.D. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain a rigid erection adequate for sexual intercourse. ED can be devastating to men and their sexual partners. When men experience ED they often become frantic with concern...


About our Physicians

Our urologists have more than 30 years of combined experience helping men achieve and maintain a healthy sex life. More about Shane Geib, M.D. and Marc Richman, M.D.